Trade Accounts for UV Products at Wholesale Prices | UV Gear

Trade Accounts for UV Products at Wholesale Prices

UV Gear is primarily an online direct sales company. However we do offer business to business solutions for the following customer demographics: Independent Retailers - Nightclubs and Bars - Event Management Companies - Concession owners

We do not sell to distributors or Export Agents.

All trade enquiries should be Emailed to us at

To apply for a trade account, please email request an account application form, complete it fully, prior to returning it to us by mail.

Please note that all trade orders for product are subject to a minimum order value of £250 net of VAT and carriage.

Consultancy, performance and design services are charged at a bespoke rate subject to requirement and global location. Please email the company with your brief for further information. All non-disclosure agreements will be honoured.