UV Lights & Effects | Ultraviolet Specialist UK Shop

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£ 13.95 Ex. VAT £ 11.62
SKU: UVA3004
Arriving Feb 20th 2025
£ 16.95 Ex. VAT £ 14.12
SKU: UVA2024
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£ 139.95 Ex. VAT £ 116.62
SKU: UVD1015
£ 7.95 Ex. VAT £ 6.62
SKU: UVB1100
£ 119.95 Ex. VAT £ 99.96
SKU: UVD2031
£ 21.95 Ex. VAT £ 18.29
SKU: UVA3016
From: £ 3.95 Ex. VAT £ 3.29
SKU: UVM1015

Recent Customer Reviews

Hello Mark We recently bought a UV light from you (New Iradifire 48W UV LED floodlight - true 365nm wide beam [glass]) and you very kindly said we could have it on sale or return and try it out. Well, I'm happy to report, it's great! It's just what we need, and it's great to inspect paintings with. Thank you so much, from a very happy customer. Kind regards Rebecca


It's a bit pricey, but it works perfectly, giving a wide spread of uv light, and without any noise or humming.

Ben Bentley-Taylor

If you care about having good quality uv light for whatever reason, I would strongly recommend paying a bit more and buying one of the floodlights (10W or 30W or 50W are available on this site). I bought this striplight and I ended up never switching it on because it emits a loud humming noise while it is on. Instead bought the 30W floodlight which is absolutely silent, though a bit more expensive.

Ben Bentley-Taylor